Founded in 1903 by Constance Smedley in England, the Lyceum Club network attracts women with a passion for the arts, humanities, sciences and social issues.
The Lyceum Club International of Paris (LCIP) was created in 1906. At the time, the Duchess of Uzès, the first female racing driver and sculptor, was president of the club. Today, it is the largest Lyceum club in France and offers various activities oriented towards culture in a spirit of friendship and benevolence.
After more than a century of existence and eight presidents, the LCIP consists today of more than 150 members and is twinned with the clubs of Basel and Brussels.
Looking to the future, the Lyceum Club de Paris continues to attract as many women as possible who are enriched by the experience of the Lyceum Club.
The Lyceum Club de Paris has a 12-member board of directors; recruitment is done by the sponsorship of two members.